One to Make Again

A review of French Poetry Pleiades 2 Dress

Reviewed by Emma Francois on 16th August, 2020

I had my eye on this pattern for a while and after stalking a few of other people’s makes on Instagram (and to me they all looked great) I took the plunge and bought it.Pleiades 2 flatlay

Firstly I’d read Janet’s review, also on The Foldline website and I highly recommend you do too. On the overall shape of the pattern I think I’m a bit more ‘french shaped than Janet and definitely have substantially less boobage, so from the off I was hoping not to have to make as many alterations. The tip on ease was also super helpful  and I agree that the instructions are fairly easy to follow if you’ve made a few things before but might be tricky for a beginner as they’re fairly high level.

In terms of alterations, I find the centre front and back seams helpful in making easy adjustments to fine tune the fit – mainly realising how curved my back is and that maybe my posture at my working from home desk could use some improvements…. But apart from taking in the top and bottom of the back a little, and a little around the waist, I made very few adjustments…. apart from adding in seam pockets, of course.

Overall I’m really pleased how this dress came out. This Lady McElroy fabric I’d also been lusting after for a while so wanted to use it on the ‘right’ project and have no regrets on choosing this pattern for it. As the shaping of the dress is mainly done with the pattern pieces and the gathers, it was also pretty quick to sew up (no marking darts etc and taking the time to get them perfect!). I feel this dress has a really nice shape on me, but also leaves room to overindulge on food when the mood strikes!