Fumeterre – elegant maxi skirt

Reviewed by Marieke (circle meets line) on 19th April, 2020

The Fumeterre skirt is a basic maxi skirt pattern for woven fabrics. It offers 2 views and you can mix and match.Side view

I made the skirt in a green linen. I love how the skirt skims the hips and is super wide at the bottom. It is a beautiful flattering silhouette. The back waist has elastic added to it, making it super comfortable to wear and helps the skirt stay up at my waist. Back view

It is a fairly easy make for a confident beginner /intermediate sewist who is comfortable making buttonholes or a blind zipper.

Instructions are good: concise but complete with very clear line drawings.

Measurements are accurate. My waist and hip are in two different sizes. I tried a muslin in my waist size. It fit perfectly at my waist but was slightly too tight for my, bigger, hips. It is easy grade out at the hips. Or use the generous 5/8″ SA.

The skirt is very long. I shortened it by 4″. I am 5’4″. The hem is supposed to be finished by a facing. But as I shortened it from the bottom, the pattern pieces for the facing no longer fit. I decided to simply make a wide turned over hem instead.

This is a panneled skirt. It is easy to mix the panels up. So I would advice to make a marking to each pattern piece.

More info on this make can be found in my blogpost https://whencirclemeetsline.blogspot.com/2020/04/fumeterre-deer-doe.html