Cracker Stacker Jacket

A review of Papercut Patterns Stacker Jacket

Reviewed by making pretty patterns on 26th March, 2020

I loved the shape of this jacket the moment it came out, but as usual I took my time to get round to buying. So glad I did! I used a very soft, but not too chunky grey corduroy, and lined it with a dotty viscose crepe that was left over from another make.


I bought the pdf pattern because as per usual I needed suddenly to have it that day, and so stuck it all together (I use pritt stick not tape) and got all the pieces cut out. There is main fabric, lining and quite a few interfacing pieces so I thought I was in for a challenge. I tried to batch all the work together as much as possible. This is something I try to do to be more efficient. Tilly from Tilly and the Buttons advocates this way of constructing if you are quite confident and it’s a way of reducing back and forth ness from pinning, sewing and pressing. It was very satisfying and I really enjoyed making this jacket. It wasn’t a challenge, more a gentle pleasure!


The instructions are excellent and it all comes together so well. It’s a really neat design. I always think that something lined will be complex, but not needing to finish any seams really simplifies and speeds the making process. 


I made a size 4 and made no adjustments. I did not hand sew the cuffs to the cuff linings as suggested. I have a method for machine sewing these, and they turned out well. The top stitching at the end really is the game changer and gives an excellent finish, even though I did not use contrasting thread. Luckily I was able to find buttons that matched in my huge stash. The button holes gave me the heebie-jeebies as usual, but after a bit of practice and the use of my ikea pan lid tool (see my insta grid) I was off! Phew all ok!


My advice for making this is, just do it! It’s a cracker!
